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ANOTHER NEW SINGLE: Music and video by SW

27th May 2024

Track can be found on my album To Make Matters Worse Press One

NEW SINGLE: Music and video by SW

8th January 2024

Track can be found on my album To Make Matters Worse Press One


Music and video by SW

22nd January 2021

Track can be found on my EP Non Verbal Communication

Three Wordsworth Originals

7th October 2019


1 – When One Party Ends Another Begins

2 – A Dark Night in Turin

3 – Celestia


On how I changed the face of recorded comedy aged 12

1st February 2019

Hello pals,

In the words of George Harrison, “it’s been a long, long, long time.” But I’m back – with a new blog (this), a new haircut (resembles the Guggenheim) and a new podcast.

The raison d’etre of this post is to showcase (trans: archive) a comedy recording I made with a friend when we were 12, explain how over 30 years later I have emulated this process, and crucially how the two connect. But first a promo shot of the new podcast featuring the hero from my comic novel, Alan Stoob.

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On Tom and Joanne

27th August 2018

I first met Tom in 2002, when we were training to be Samaritans. We hit it off instantly, sharing private jokes about other volunteers and making each other laugh (whilst helping the suicidal, obvs). I could see that alongside his biting wit here was a serious, compassionate man, a deep thinker, and someone who loved a mass debate (he’d appreciate that joke).

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On Lance Armstrong and cycling in London

29th March 2012

Hello hello do come in.

Lately I’ve become obsessed with this footage of the Tour de France. The video features Lance Armstrong and Marco Pantani battling for supremacy on Mont Ventoux, the mountain where Britain’s Tommy Simpson died of a heart attack in 1967.

Below it you will find a video of your truly on said mountain…

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On Jimmy Saville

31st October 2011

In all my days listening to BBC Radio 4 I’ve never once heard a newsreader doing an impression of the recently deceased.

Until Saturday.



On Amy Winehouse

29th July 2011

When someone with genuine, coruscating talent dies before their time it leaves us all diminished. Such is the case with Amy Winehouse.

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On David Bowie and other diversions

8th June 2011

At this very moment – this precise moment – I should be writing 1,500 words on the history of the wristwatch. It is, in fact, an interesting piece but it’s late and I’m seeking distraction. Welcome to the highly unstructured world of the freelance journalist. You’re welcome.

Instead of starting the piece I should have begun six hours ago I’m looking at the internet for amusing diversion. I found myself here, at one of the funniest scenes from the second series of Ricky Gervais’s Extras. Aside from Bowie’s natural presence, note Gervais’s resemblance to Stan Laurel at 1:43.

Stay with it, there’s more…

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