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IMAGES: Devil in the Wilderness

31st October 2023

Dear DITW listener,

Below you will find images of key figures featured in the podcast series, plus plenty of my dad. In fact I’ve created a bit of an archive here, for you AND me. Enjoy.

CW and SW

CW (middle) with sisters Ruth and Joan


Unhappy-looking CW


CW beach poser, late ’30s


CW with first wife Joan Darlington c.1939


With wife Joan and daughter Diana c.1941


On leave with Joan during WWII



Gelli, cottage near the village of Llanfrothen that CW moved into with Eleanor and Jeremy Brooks in 1953


Sue Russell, daughter-in-law of Bertrand Russell, CW’s lover 1954-59


Ty Cipar, isolated Snowdonian cottage, seven miles from the nearest village, where CW lived alone 1959-1961


John Earle (left) and Chris Oliver, Croesor valley c.1960


CW’s anonymous essay The Self-Inflicted Wound as it appeared in the Underdogs collection, published in 1961


The diaries…


1970: CW and my mother Tamara (TW) on their wedding day, celebrating with a cigarette apiece


CW and TW, late-70s


Fasten your shirt dad fs


SW and TW




CW action shot, Pet Level beach, East Sussex, c.1982


L to R: Pauline Cobbett, Ifor Nottingham, Jeremy Brooks, Bill Nottingham, Cyril Cobbett, Eleanor Brooks, dinner party Harpenden c.1985 (still have the goblets)


CW + dead fish


SW with half-brother DW, 7th birthday (best photo evah)


SW and CW


CW relaxing menacingly at home in Harpenden c.1985


CW and SW watching Question of Sport (educated guess)


David Wordsworth, SW’s half-brother, Christmas 1987


Diana Wordsworth (1940-78). David’s sister, SW’s half-sister. Died in a car accident. Photo taken by Lord Snowdon, for whom she worked in the early 60s


CW’s daughter Paddy (1935-2022), SW’s half sister. Born out of wedlock and kept a secret during CW’s lifetime


SW and TW (t-shirt helpfully denoting who’s who)





CW with Bill Nottingham c.1992


CW and SW with Chris Oliver, Mousehole c.1984


Llanrhaeadr party 1980s


CW and TW, Mavis and Geoffrey Nicholson, Llanrhaeadr c.1987


CW and SW


CW reporting on a county cricket match in Cheltenham, with TW


CW fly fisherman


Eleanor Brooks, bedrock of the podcast series, c.1987


Eleanor, 2007


Ifor and Bill Nottingham, 2007


CW’s sister, Sister Francis Ruth, by SW, Harpenden, 1991


CW by SW, Harpenden, 1991 (my photography phase)

School friend and voice of my father Chris Porter, 1991 (told you it was my photography phase)


SW, Cornwall 1992, two weeks prior to university


CW and TW, Llanrhaeadr 1998, two years after moving from Harpenden, and the same year as CW’s death. TW died in 2001


SW on location in Llanrhaeadr, summer 2021



ABOVE: Michael Frayn (left), Blake Morrison, SW (as featured in bonus episode 5)


SW, Paris 2024