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On Marilyn Monroe

28th January 2011

Today’s blog concerns a brunette called Norma.


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On the murder of Joanna Yeates

20th January 2011

Guess who’s back (me)
Back again (me)
Saul is back (me)
Tell a friend (do)

Hello everyone I know and don’t know.

It’s been a while since the last blog but then you see I’ve been a little busy what with appearing in the Guardian and generally prancing around like a media luvvie-tit.

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On a new era of protest

3rd December 2010

“Two blogs in one day? Blimey Saul, you must be on drugs.”

Whoever said that please take it back. May I remind you we live in litigious times.

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On photographs I took today

Well hellooooooooo,

Last week I purchased an iPhone. It is, of course, amazing. All I have to do now is stop using the word “snazzy” and I’ll be a modern person.

Anyroad I took a handful photos with it today and thought I’d, you know, share….

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On James Blake

3rd November 2010

Just came across this today, had to post it.

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On the perils of Twitter

28th October 2010

This blog is about Twitter, the new craze that’s sweeping 6% of the nation!

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On this…

14th October 2010


The this in question is a short animation I have writted and directorised.

I’ve called it ADOPTED.

Hope you enjoy.

(warning: contains swearing and nuts)


On a story Nick told me

24th September 2010

My friend Naughty Nick told me a story yesterday.

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On Anatidaephobia

14th September 2010

Anatidaephobia is defined as a pervasive, irrational fear that one is being watched by a duck.

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On Big Brother

13th September 2010

On Saturday morning I got up, watched the last ever Big Brother and cried. Quietly maybe so the neighbours didn’t hear, but there were definitely tears.

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