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On Raphael Salaman (1906-1993)

26th March 2010

Dear all,

Please take a moment to read this. Today’s blog doubles as an online petition to save an exhibition dedicated to my grandfather.

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On the future of publishing

23rd March 2010

Watch this until the end – very good.

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On James Bulger and the concept of evil

20th March 2010

Back in 1993 Robert Thompson and Jon Venables perpetrated one of the most disturbing crimes in British history. Luring an infant from a shopping centre in Liverpool, the two ten year olds walked him a few miles, sexually assault him, beat him and left him dead on a railway line. The CCTV image of James being led away by one of the miscreants is etched on our collective memory.

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On the five ages of waiting

26th February 2010

My friends,

How are you? I only ask because you never say. You’re so quiet. I miss you.

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On writing a blog simply because it’s been ages since the last one

10th February 2010

I’m tired, it’s late and I’m not wearing any pants. But it’s been over a month since my last blog, and that really isn’t good enough now is it. Well is it?
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On me aged 26

3rd January 2010

Hello and welcome to my first blog of 2010. Let’s hope it’s a good one, without any tears.
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On swearing

21st December 2009

Fuck me it’s nearly Christmas. As such I thought I should write a festive blog. Because despite being Jewish (well, Jew-ish), I do love a Christmas. Well, mostly.

But then I thought: why would I write about Christmas? It’s FUCKING BORING. So here’s a blog about something equally close to my heart: swearing.
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On sickness and on health

16th November 2009

It’s been literally seconds since my last blog but something has happened that has moved me to post this, post haste.
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On being angry

12th November 2009

There comes a time in every bloggers life when he says, “I’m fed up with being polite. Today I’m going to kick someone’s balls in.”

So here goes.

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On holiday

13th October 2009

Shalom and welcome to my latest blog. It’s called ‘On holiday’. That’s because I’ve just been on one (a holiday). It was nice, I had a cold, then it was nice again. Plus I did something really naughty. But you’ll have to read on for that.
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