On Tom and Joanne
27th August 2018

I first met Tom in 2002, when we were training to be Samaritans. We hit it off instantly, sharing private jokes about other volunteers and making each other laugh (whilst helping the suicidal, obvs). I could see that alongside his biting wit here was a serious, compassionate man, a deep thinker, and someone who loved a mass debate (he’d appreciate that joke).
On my dad at 100
5th January 2015
Well helleur.
Happy New Year and that.
This is a short blog about my dad, who would have been 100 on Boxing Day.

On cycling with the MHP
18th December 2014

16th July 2014
This is a short piece about my dear friend Matt Richell, who died in a surfing accident two weeks ago.
On being a monster
4th January 2013
Shit the bed and shag the cat, it’s been aeons since I last web-logged. Reasons for this include stuff, things, work, unwork and matters of a personal bearing. But I’m here now so stop shouting at me OK?
Am I a monster? I may be. Recently I committed an act that on the retell has shocked many of a gentle disposition i.e. members of my family. If you too are gently disposed, please read on and experience a small experimental heart attack.
On witnessing the horrific
29th March 2012
This blog comes with a warning. There’s stuff on here you might not like. I hope that will be enough to keep you reading. If you do you will be rewarded by my ‘news’ at the end.
On being beaten up
10th January 2012
Oh hi.
Didn’t see you there.
Happy New Year! I hope 2012 brings you everything you ever dreamed of in terms of kitchen gadgetry.
I want to let you know about my recent experience of being beaten to death.